Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Have job, will travel!

I kicked off the New Year by finally landing the job I had spent, oh quite some time, searching for -- yippee! Unfortuantely, I was not able to find an IT Project Management job in the Galapagos Islands or the South Pacific. Fortunately though, I found a great job in Atlanta. I think I'll keep my company name secret for now -- in case it becomes good fodder for blogging. It's a global company though, and my role is to lead project delivery improvement and IT procurement efforts across our offices in North and South America. Yes -- it's the exact blend of IT, project management, international cultures, and global travel that I was looking for. Whew --- finally ... but it comes at a price: huge responsibility, steep learning curve, and a string of dark-to-dark work days that doesn't seem to have an end in sight. On the bright side though, I'll be traveling to South America with this job. And it all starts with a trip to Mexico City -- TODAY!

This posting is just my way of setting the stage for future work-related travel stories -- which I hope will prove to be just as much of an adventure as personal travel has been!

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